For every infected person with symptoms of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) there are 8 to 10 infected people without symptoms. In the next 30 days, it is estimated those 8 to 10 people will infect between 262 and 327 others. It is estimated as many as 8 people could die.
Are you one of the infected without symptoms or could you be one of the people about to become infected? The choice to wear a mask is yours. Help us stop the spread!
You are probably asking yourself “How can we all wear a mask when there are not enough N95 masks for the health care providers?”. The answer is the general public does not need N95 quality masks to keep from infecting each other. A high quality, non-medical grade mask can be made at home in 20 to 25 minutes that will signifantly reduce the risk of someone infecting someone else when they don’t have symptoms while providing protection for the the wearer if they are healthy.
Unlike the millions of masks being thrown away every day, the mask you will make with about $5-$7 worth of material is washable and reusable! To find out more click on the links at the top of this page.