Mask Making Videos

Your best source of information on how to make a Coronavirus (COVID-19) cloth mask is YouTube videos.  Now that the CDC has told people they should wear a mask, there are hundreds if not thousands of videos showing up on YouTube on how to make a mask.  Unfortunately, although some are very good most are not effective.  You must make sure you pick the correct mask to make.

The paper has three objectives:

  1. Provide instructions on what you should do before you start making a mask;
  2. Provide you with an example of a Cloth Surgical Mask that has the four key features defined in the “Five Things You Need to Know Before You Buy or Make A Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mask” video on this website.
  3. Provide you with an example of a Cloth Form Fitting Mask that has the four key features defined in the “Five Things You Need to Know Before You Buy or Make A Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mask” video on this website.

We are not recommending the two examples found in this paper over any other examples found on the internet.  We are also not guaranteeing their performance.  They were chosen because they contained four key elements that are necessary for any mask to be effective in accomplishing the function it is intended to perform.  We believe that if made correctly the two masks identified will deliver the desired performance expected from their specific mask type.  The choice of mask type is totally yours. 

Before You Start Making A Mask

Before making any mask, do the following:

  1. Make sure you watch the “Five Things You Need to Know Before You Buy or Make A Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mask” video (accessed using the “Mask Fundamentals” link at top). If you want to protect yourself and your family it will be some of the best six minutes you have ever spent.
  2. If you think you have found a mask you want to make, watch the video and assess it with the “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cloth Mask Evaluation Form” (accessed using  the “Mask Evaluation Form” link at top). Only make masks that pass the assessment criteria should be made!
  3. Underneath the YouTube video you will find a description.  There will very likely be a “Show More”.  Make sure you click on the “Show More” and read the entire description.  You will often find links to information you can download such as patterns for cutting out the mask components.
  4. Make sure you read the comment section.  The better masks are being made by many people by now and people are offering suggestions for improvement.

Cloth Surgical Mask Example

Creator:  Amanda Perna

Company Affiliation: Good Housekeeping

Cloth Form Fitting Mask Example

Creator:  Cindi Rang

Company Affiliation: Fabric Patch

I would recommend watching Cindi Rang’s other two videos she did after the first video.  She discusses several issues you may face including challenges you may have in finding the proper materials.  She also discusses some modifications in the design since the first video.  As an example she explains how she no longer uses the metal sheeting for the Metal Nose Bridge and has switched to 16 gauge wire.


And a new video from Cindi detailing the lessons learned from making 167,000 masks: